Friday Photos: Little Farm Helpers

We are always asked if our children help us on the farm. Yes, they do and they love it. When they were really small we would strap them in our “barn” Baby Bjorn and go. Now they ride a long with us and “help” in their little small ways. Erik is our observer. He loves study the pasture and is proud when he finds Timothy grass (the same as Daddy’s name). Yes, Tim has taught him to identify three types of grasses, three types of clovers, two types of thistle and a few weeds. Jonnie is our worker. He loves to “scoop” hay into the feed bunks and shovel poop out of the parlor.

We love our little helpers.

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Zweber Farms is a 4th generation family operated organic dairy.  We are proud Organic Valley farmer members and sell our milk under that label. We also specialize in sustainably raised beef, pork and chicken and sell it directly to customers in Minnesota.Visit our website to learn more,


Filed under family

4 responses to “Friday Photos: Little Farm Helpers

  1. jarna101

    Love these pictures!!! 🙂

  2. My little helpers have grown up. I miss those days.

  3. Lisa Marie

    I also love these pictures! Our chat this Saturday reminded me that I’ve been meaning to start a blog, so I finally did. Your blog is a great model. Hope your drive went well.

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