Hanging Laundry-Family Friday Linky

Summer is coming to a close, which means summer time activities sadly are ending as well. No more visits to the beach. The neighborhood ice cream truck has stopped making the rounds on Sundays and the tube of sunscreen is almost empty. One summer time activity I am still holding onto is hanging laundry on the line. I will hang laundry until it is just to cold to clip the clothes pins.

laundry, fall 2011

Little boys and girl laundry at Zweber Farms

I don’t know why, but hanging laundry on the line is very therapeutic for me. I look forward to it each spring and actually get giddy when I can finally hang sheets. The economics nerd in me calculated that it takes 75 cents to run my drier. Since I only dry about one load out of the seven or eight each week, I save my family about $100 from May until the end of September.

In addition to the money savings, drying clothes on the line gives me at least 15-30 minutes each day of pure peace. No one wants to help mom hang clothes. Who can blame them when the sandbox is steps away? Since, no one wants to help, I can be ALONE for those precious few minutes. Well, not completely alone. Hannah typically is asleep in the Baby Bjorn (but she doesn’t talk or argue with me).

I am sad when I have to put my clothes pins away for the year. Dreams of warm spring days fill my mind again.

What summer time activity will your family miss once the days are shorter and cooler? Please share by leaving a comment.

Also, if you blog about family link up for my Family Friday Linky.

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Zweber Farms is a 4th generation family operated organic dairy.  We are proud Organic Valley farmer members and sell our milk under that label. We also specialize in sustainably raised beef, pork and chicken and sell it directly to customers in Minnesota.Visit our website to learn more, www.zweberfarms.com. Connect with us on FacebookTwitterand YouTube.


Filed under #AgChat, family, Family Friday Linky

13 responses to “Hanging Laundry-Family Friday Linky

  1. I bet your laundry doesn’t have one of those bottled smells either!!!

    • zweberfarms

      No it doesn’t. But I need to be careful. If the wind is right and husband is applying our organic fertilizer (ie cow manure) on the fields, the clothes could get ruined. 🙂

  2. I miss hanging out laundry. It’s so peaceful. We’re too windy and not enough shelter but I did it until we moved 3 years ago to our house in the hay field on the prairie. Enjoy the last few weeks of “summer”. I linked up today!

  3. With a well-traveled road that goes right through our yard, I don’t hang out clothes nearly often enough…but when everything gets dusty, I just have to wash it again! Hoping someday to work on the road thing, but until then most of the clothes go through the dryer. I miss that smell!

  4. Emily, nothing smells better than clothes dried on the clothes line! My momma used to do it all the time in NC. I might get a few odd looks from my neighbors if I tried to do it in St. Louis, but I’ll never forget that wonderful smell. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your peace in hanging out the laundry!
    PS: I linked up with your party. Thanks for hosting. I may have to pick your brain about how you got it to work on WP…

  5. Pingback: Linky Dos | everyday epistle

  6. Mary

    I air dry my clothes year round I simply switch from my outdoor umbrella clothesline to a clothes drying rack for the winter. I was at first very doubtful that I could actually air dry in the winter. However I have been pleasantly surprised of how well it works. I simply put the rack where ever it will not be in the way and let nature do the work. The best thing besides saving money I have found I no longer have to run my humidifier in the winter since the moist clothes add just enough moisture to the air to make the house a comfortable home.

  7. You reminded me of hanging clothes when I was a kid. Back then I complained, but as I was doing it I remember taking deep breaths as I smelled the clean clothes bumping against my face while I hung them. What a lovely memory. Thank you.

    So nice meeting you and your precious girl yesterday.

  8. There really isn’t a better smell for sheets, blankets and clothes than fresh air. It’s so refreshing!! Love that I’m not alone in this 🙂

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